Practice Questions and Answers (2011)
- What is the name of Edward and Liz Pleasure’s daughter the companion/girlfriend of Alex Rider?
— Sabina (Pleasure)
- What comic company publishes Iron Man?
— Marvel
- Who was the 16 year-old girl that volunteered to take her little sister, Prim’s place in the televised Hunger Games?
— Katniss (Everdeen)
- What was the 34-lettered, one-word, song title from Mary Poppins?
— Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious
- Who is the elder child - Charlie or Lola?
— Charlie
- Who was known as the teenage girl detective?
— Nancy Drew
- Inside what type of building had Opal found her dog Winn Dixie?
— Supermarket
- In what series of books does the proud and cruel Prince Radadash appear?
— Narnia series
- Who had a son called Roo?
— Kanga (from Winnie-the-Pooh)
- What two colours make Wally’s striped pullover/shirt so distinctive?
— Red and white
- Who was the Native American that competed with Edward for Bella’s affection?
— Jacob (Black)
- Who was the naughty boy that, when sent to his bedroom, went on a fantastic voyage to the land of the Wild Things?
— Max
- What did the old beggar put into his soup in order to trick the old woman into giving him some vegetables and meat to also add to his soup?
— A stone
- According to the Joshua Files by M G Harris when is the world supposed to end?
— 20 Dec 2012 (accept month or year)
- Who rescued Harry after his parents had been murdered?
— Hagrid
- What was the gift the boy from The Polar Express asked for from Santa?
— A silver bell
- What type of animal was the true lord of the mountain kingdom known as Salamandastron?
— A badger (Lord Brocktree)
- What was the name of the school bully at Springfield Elementary School?
— Nelson (Muntz)
- Who often used a telephone booth as a changing room?
— Superman (accept Clark Kent)
- What was the name of the monk in the Robin Hood legend? — Friar Tuck
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