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LATEST RESULT: National Final (SA)
1st: St Mary’s School JHB
2nd: Kenridge Primary School CT
3rd: Sweet Valley Primary School CT
NEXT QUIZ: Bangkok Heat (TH)

Friday 14th March, 10am

Harrow International School, Don Mueang District, Bangkok 10210, Thailand

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Practice Questions

2009 Questions

  1. What was the name of the German boy in the novel The Boy in Striped Pyjamas?
  2. Who wrote a series of comic novels about a boy detective and a white fox terrier?
  3. J.K Rowling shares the same birthday as Harry Potter. What is that date?
  4. What was Bod, the main character’s name short for in The Graveyard Book by Neil Gaiman?
  5. Who did Nathaniel ask to help him steal the Amulet of Samarkand?
  6. What house was protected by a circle of magical stones in the movie version but which was not mentioned at all in the book series?
  7. Who had one side of her hair coloured white and the other side coloured black?
  8. What type of animal was the only one mentioned in the nursery rhyme Humpty Dumpty?
  9. Who escaped from the cave of the Cyclops?
  10. What colour was the Teletubbie, Tinky Winkie?
  11. In what book by Roald Dahl did Mr Hoppy suggest to Mrs Silver that in order for Alfie to grow she should whisper the words teg reggib three times a day?
  12. Who was the famous middle-eastern sailor renowned for seven fantastic voyages in the book The Arabian Nights?
  13. What girl was carried north to Lapland in a Gyptian ship?
  14. What’s the name of the little white mouse in a series of picture book that doesn’t want to do anything but dance?
  15. In the picture book The Cat in the Hat who warned the children that the cat should not be allowed in to play?
  16. What pig went on to great things as a champion sheep herder?
  17. In Mark Robson’s Imperial Spy series by what other name was Lady Alyssa known: Fatima, Femke or Fenella?
  18. Who freed a medieval town from a plague of rats during the 13th century?
  19. What was the name of the hyperactive, wayward and troublesome puppet, who after many incidents, matured into a responsible person?
  20. “Pocket Monsters” or pokemon originated from what country?

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